Thursday, March 17, 2011

Homeschool Fun

So, when we decided I should homeschool the chickadees, I was quite nervous. I had tried it once before with my oldest and failed miserably, but we KNEW that the Lord wanted us to pull our kids, and homeschool. I have to be honest and say that part of me, the very selfish part of me, thought, "I don't want to give up my alone time during the day!!!" I really do covet a nice quiet home, time to focus on the Lord, time to focus on the housework, get my errands done (which ALWAYS goes faster when you are alone). So, I prayed. And I prayed. And I prayed. I knew I was being selfish, so I asked the Lord to change my heart, and oh how He did just that. I still covet my alone time, it just doesn't come as frequently, which makes that alone time so much sweeter. But the fun (yes I said fun) I am having with my chickadees is irreplacable!! We have our bumpy moments, but that's just life. Mostly, we have fun. I get to watch my kiddos face light up when the switch goes on while learning a new concept. I get to rejoice with them when they are soo excited about finally "getting it".  We get to have pajama day once a week, every week. We get to take breaks in the day and have some camera fun:

Really, I would not trade this life change for anything in the world. I thank God for our Homeschooling Family!! I thank God He has made it a fun time for us. I thank God life!!

Have a wonderfully bessed day!!!

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