Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Renewing Our Minds

We had a great bible study last night. We are studying (via a video series by Chip Ingram) Romans 12...and last night was about the renewing of the mind. We were asked what the most effective means of renewing our minds were in our own personal lives, and also challenged to be in the bible at least 15 minutes a day this week. Of course, the most renewal of my mind occurs when I read His word...but we all challenged ourselves to think beyond that....we can't be reading every minute of every day, although, frequently throughout the day, we need a renewing of the mind...so how do we do it...each answer being a personal answer. Many interesting responses from the group...it was quite enjoyable. For ME, I get up in the morning and walk, and I have an iPod, so I can listen to preaching every morning on my walk....I also, during the day, like to listen to some sort of praise and worship music, some sort of christian music...but most of all....I look like the crazy lady because I find my self in constant communication with God. I am ALWAYS talking to Him, frequently out loud. I KNOW, for me, being in constant communication with my Lord, keeps my mind from thinking things I should not be thinking, desiring things, I should not be desiring and putting into action things I should not be putting into action. Don't get me wrong...I make STUPID choices, say stupid things...etc...we do have a battle....but God knows that or He would not call it REnewing of the mind...so, I take those thoughts captive into the obedience of Christ...and renew my mind with Him.

How would you describe your most effective mode of renewal of your mind?

Have a wonderfully blessed day!!


Tawny said...

Andresa, this was such a good post. Sorry for not commenting earlier. It kinda sent me into a tail spin. For me, Renewing my mind is spending enough time with God that I start to think like Him. When I read this yesterday, I realized I have not been spending enough time with Him. So thank you.

Julene said...

I agree with the both of you!!! I start to feel very awful when I have not 'spent' time with God. I am still reading and praying but there is a difference of just seeking His presence 'my hiding place'. But yes, communication, reading, being in fellowship with others is huge for me too. & lots of music:0)