Wednesday, March 25, 2009

He Makes Everything Glorious

I have that David Crowder song "He Makes Everything Glorious" (maybe it's just "Glorious") running through my head this morning. I love the line: He makes everything glorious, what does that make me?" If He made EVERYTHING glorious, and He made me...that means, to Him, I am glorious too. Sometimes I have to remember that, I am VERY good at self-condemnation. I don't ask people to feel sorry for me, and I don't usually let it keep me from being "me", but very frequently I have a very low opinion of myself. I have just learned how to not listen to THAT voice, and get on with "it", and be who I know God has called me to be. And one thing I KNOW I am, is HIM.
A while back, after we put the kids to bed, Erik and I sat down to watch a little t.v., we landed on PBS and an orchid hunter show. Now, orchids are no where near my favorite flower...I am more a sunflower girl myself, but I was brought into such a state of awe watching this program because they would get real close up pictures of these orchids, different species of them, just a rainbow of orchids so to say. I was struck deeply of God's creativity. I wish I could describe how I felt in that moment of understanding, however much my feeble mind could, what an amazing God we have, and how much more important to Him WE are, than those orchids, but look at the tender care he gave to decorating them for us.
As long as I am on this earth, I don't know if I will ever truly see myself the way God sees know that the God who created this earth, grew these trees, flowers, bushes, grass, put the oceans into place, put the lakes into place, created human beings, decorated (intricately) each and every one of his creations, could destroy our enemy with the mere blast of the breath of His nostril....that this same God looks down, over, into me and sees an amazingly beautiful daughter of His. That brings me more peace and joy and comfort than I can express.
Have a wonderfully blessed day!


Tawny said...

I heard a phrase in a song the other day that I keep thinking about, "And on my way to becoming beautiful..."

I keep thinking about that.

You know, we think we are most beautiful when we are young and then it goes down hill from there, but the reality is...we will be shocked at what beauty there is when we see it redeemed with all the sin washed away.

Isn't that an exciting thought?

Natalie said...

Remember the scripture about being God's field? I get to thinking about blooming where we are planted! And aren't you glad there are so many varieties of the sunflower! We both enjoy them so much and we can both be "Son-flowers" (lol) little play on words there! And when all of us "Son-flowers" are put together we make a beautiful bouquet! Have a blessed evening. Wasn't the study good today, it gets even better!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it awesome to just rejoice in the Lord!!! It's so cool how God can inspire us to do so with songs, nature, relationships. I have been listening to the Michael W. Smith CD and he has one song that says "The enemy has been defeated!!" What is so cool about that - I had a horrible nightmare last night and I woke up all upset, and those were the first and only words that would come to my mind. I started singing it over and over till I went back to sleep. It wasn't till the next day that I remembered where that came from - been listening to that all day on MAX volume!:0)